Newport Beach Police Department
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Throughout 2022, there were 158 stolen vehicles citywide.
Throughout 2021, there were 178 stolen vehicles.
This is a reduction of 11% (20 crimes).
The Newport Beach Police Department has been collecting crime statistics according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program since at least 1969. The UCR program focused on the Summary Reporting System (SRS) of data collection until it was phased out in 2021. The UCR program has since transitioned to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), which captures more details for each crime incident and each offense within the incident. This system allows for a higher quality of crime data to be collected.
Throughout 2022, the Newport Beach Police Department had been preparing for its transition from SRS to NIBRS. The crime statistics presented here now follow the NIBRS format, which categorizes crimes a bit differently:
- Statistics are categorized into Person Offenses, Property Offenses, and Society Offenses.
- NIBRS tracks over twenty crime categories, instead of just eight.
- Each offense occurring within an incident is counted, rather than just the most serious offense.
- Unfounded crimes are removed from the statistics of the month the crime occurred, rather than the statistics of the month the crime was unfounded.